How hotels are using furniture to make rooms more functional

How hotels are using furniture to make rooms more functional

Last Updated on December 19, 2023

Hotel visitors want accommodations that are practical, efficient, and meet their specific demands. As a result, astute hotels are careful in choosing and creating furniture. Hotels choose furniture to maximize available space while offering individualized comfort.

When creating guest rooms, hotels must strike a balance between functionality and aesthetics. The choice of furniture has a direct effect on the ambience of the room. It also reflects how satisfied guests are, and how profitable a hotel is.This article looks at how hotels use furniture to create comfortable, functional spaces, striving to tailor them to suit their visitors’ tastes.

We examine evolving design trends, the rise of multi-functional furniture, and how sustainability guides hotels’ choices. Discover how small furniture adjustments make a big difference in enhancing room functionality.

Furniture Trends in Hotel Room Design

The global hotel furniture market will reach $19.17 billion by 2027, growing at a 5.2% CAGR. This reflects hotels increasing investments in unique and quality furniture. Furniture that meets guest expectations.

A recent survey on hoteliers reveals many insights. 89% of hoteliers think unique room designs have a major impact on reservations. To attract discerning travelers, hotels update their furniture styles often.

Luxury hotels use sophisticated furnishings like antique-inspired items. Leather chairs, and luxury sofas create an elegant atmosphere. These choices cater to luxury travelers seeking a sophisticated and exclusive experience.

Notable emerging furniture trends

Smart furniture: IoT-enabled furniture such as beds and desks controlled using mobile apps. Hotels use features like adjustable firmness, temperature control, and ambient lighting. This is so that the users can enjoy a personalized and convenient experience.

Multifunctional modular furniture: It offers space-saving solutions. It incorporates features such as murphy beds, drop-down tables, and modular seating. These furniture pieces can fit different needs and sizes of rooms. Their flexibility better utilizes limited square footage.

Local and sustainable materials: Eco-conscious brands choose locally-sourced and sustainable materials. They choose materials like chemical-free wood pieces or furnishings. made from recycled materials to reduce their carbon footprint. Reclaimed and upcycled furniture adds rustic, vintage flair.

Ergonomic, wellness-focused furniture: These furniture are to attract health-conscious travelers. Many hotels provide furniture emphasizing orthopedic support and comfort. Furniture that have adjustable desks and lumbar-supporting mattresses. This promotes restorative sleep and work.

High-end bespoke designs: Luxury hotels often collaborate with furniture makers and artists. This is to craft custom furniture. Furniture that represents their unique style. This sense of crafted, upscale design caters to their elite guests.

Brands such as Marriott International incorporate tech-enabled furniture like IoT-connected customizable beds and tables. This innovation empowers guests to control room features via mobile apps.

Digitally integrated furniture is a glimpse into the future of hotel room design.

Tailored Furniture for Guest Comfort

While efficient furniture benefits hotels’ bottom lines, customization is key to pleasing guests. 

63% of travelers prefer hotels furnishing rooms based on their personal needs. They look for comfort, health or accessibility. Brands respond via tailored furniture and layouts.

Some examples of personalized hotel furniture include:

Allergy-friendly: Brands like Hilton install hypoallergenic mattresses, pillows and upholstery for allergy sufferers. Air purifiers and hardwood furniture reduce dust and allergens.

Accessibility focused: To accommodate guests with disabilities, hotels incorporate adjustable beds. Roll-in showers, and adjustable desks for wheelchair access are other great additions. Doorways can be wide for equipment.

Family-friendly: Hotels design “family rooms” with added beds. They can be bunk beds or convertible sofa beds for children. Other kid-focused furniture includes play tables, storage cubbies, and baby cribs. 

Health and wellness: “Wellness rooms” feature ergonomic task chairs and standing desks. Back support pillows, and mattresses are good additions. They accommodate different sleep positions to promote comfort and restoration.

Elite and bespoke: Some luxury brands  have direct contact with manufacturers. Their aim is to supply specialized beds. chairs and other furniture suiting their affluent guests’ preferences.

Some hotels even adjust furniture daily, noting individual preferences in guest profiles. Others create specialized room packages, such as equipped “wellness” rooms. These have ergonomic desks and lumbar-supporting beds.

This personalization fosters loyalty among travelers, giving them a “home away from home” experience. 

Customization isn’t the only factor guiding furniture choices in modern hotels. There is an ever-growing concern for sustainability. Many hoteliers are opting for sustainable materials and practices. There is a linking between sustainability and furniture selection. In fact, the hotel furniture market’s projected growth is $19.17 billion by 2027. This underlines the industry’s commitment to eco-conscious choices. 

Sustainability and Furniture Selection

Sustainability is a rising priority among guests and brands alike. So hotels are favoring sustainable furnishings. 

Consumer demand led to a 275% increase in online searches for sustainable travel in 2021 . Properties worldwide are reevaluating their furniture materials and suppliers.

Others opt for furnishings made from recycled materials. Replacing older furniture with ENERGY STAR-rated options cuts energy consumption.

Companies like Marriott and Hilton have set ambitious environmental goals. They work to reduce waste, carbon emissions, and reliance on single-use plastics. Their investments in sustainable furniture align with this mission.

Environmentally-friendly furniture selections reduce hotels’ environmental impact while satisfying eco-minded guests.

Maintaining Efficiency and Aesthetics

When designing rooms, hotels must balance visual appeal and functionality. Furniture arrangement, color schemes, textures and lighting ambiance must also meet guest needs. 

Interior designers recommend defining priorities, like maximizing natural light. Create designated workspaces, to guide furniture placement and other details. Hotels should select adaptable, neutral-toned furniture as a blank canvas. Adding pops of color through art, textiles, and accessories creates cohesion.

Before-and-after case studies showcase these transformations. The V Palm Springs Hotel revamped its lobby and rooms with multi-functional furniture. creating flexible spaces suited for both socializing and remote work.

With strategic planning, hotels can craft efficiency-driven rooms. Rooms that still feel warm, inviting and unique.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the cost implications of customizing hotel furniture for increased efficiency?

It is true, customized furniture has higher upfront costs. But the long-term benefits outweigh the initial investment. Tailored furniture increases occupancy rates and revenues by enhancing guest satisfaction. Efficient furniture also lowers operational expenses associated with cleaning, maintenance and room turnover.

How can travelers identify hotels with well-designed rooms based on their furniture?

Look for hotels emphasizing specialized amenities or room layouts. Examine categories like “family rooms” or “wellness suites”. Cross-reference guest reviews on travel sites. And look for mentions of multi-functional, space-saving furniture. Call ahead to inquire about specialized furniture that caters to your needs.

What sustainable materials are most used in hotel furniture?

Sustainable hotel furniture often incorporates natural materials like bamboo, rattan and reclaimed wood. And also organic cotton, and recycled metals and plastics. Chemical-free stains and biodegradable padding are other common green options.


A hotel’s furniture enables, or hinders its ability to offer comfortable guest rooms. Strategic furniture choices optimize limited space for diverse traveler needs. Sustainability also guides procurement. 

Hotels must consider room layout and ambiance. It must also keep guest needs front and center. Then hotels can strike the perfect balance between aesthetics and utility. The result is a welcoming, efficient hotel experience, one that meets modern demands and drives revenues. 

About Maria Kennedy

Maria Kennedy is the managing editor at Travel for Food Hub. Maria is on a full-tilt mission to share local food and travel inspiration. When she is not writing about food and travel, startups or social media, she is enjoying her time with her boys in sunny Spain.

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