Tag Archives: meat

12 Kinds of Spanish Meats for Meat Lovers

12 Kinds of Spanish Meats for Meat Lovers

Spanish cuisine is famous around the world for its bold and robust flavors, and Spanish meat plays an important role in many traditional dishes. From succulent pork dishes to delicious cured hams, Spanish meats are diverse, delicious, and often the centerpiece of any meal. If you’re a meat lover, then you’ll definitely want to try some of these 12 kinds …

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How to make Spanish Meatballs

How to make Spanish Meatballs

Meatballs are a dish I grew up with since I was a child. My grandmother and my mother cooked them, and now I do. My grandmother taught us how to make Spanish meatballs and now it’s my turn to share the meatball recipe with you all. I hope you like it as much as I do. But first, let’s see …

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Barbecue Styles Around the World

Barbecue Styles Around the World

Did you know there are different barbecue styles around the world? Well, yes, the world has different ways of cooking barbecued food, varying from place to place. Barbecue, also known as BBQ, is a popular cooking method used worldwide. The process involves cooking meat, fish, or vegetables over an open flame or hot coals. While the cooking method remains the …

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What is Cabeza Meat?

What is Cabeza Meat?

Are you wondering what is cabeza meat? Look no further, we will tell you everything you need to know about cabeza meat, types of cabeza meat, its history and why is it call cabeza meat. “Cabeza” is a Spanish word that translates to “head” in English. In culinary terms, “cabeza meat” generally refers to the meat from the head of …

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Tacos de Cabeza Recipe

Tacos de Cabeza Recipe

If you’re a fan of authentic Mexican cuisine, you’ll love this Tacos de Cabeza recipe. And if you are not sure what type of meat is cabeza meat or how to prepare it before cooking, first read our article about what is cabeza meat. These tacos, featuring succulent cabeza meat, are a cherished delicacy in Mexican culinary tradition. If you’re …

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2 Delicious and healthy chicken dishes

Delicious and healthy chicken dishes

Chicken is a great and versatile protein. It’s not tough, it doesn’t have too many icky bits that need to be taken out (depending on your butcher), and it’s low in fat. This makes it both a delicious base for all kinds of dishes, but also very healthy! It’s like the Jackpot Capital bonus of main courses! Now, chicken might be great for …

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7 Tips to Cook the Best Steak of Your Life

7 Tips to Cook the Best Steak of Your Life

Let’s face it, mastering the art of cooking steak needs serious maneuvering. You must worry about the perfect sear, splattering oil, and the buttery center. It’s like navigating a minefield with sizzling hot metal. So much so that it’s easier to give up and order takeout than conquer the challenge. But believe in your culinary creativity and be precise with …

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How to Cook Lamb: 12 Delicious Lamb recipes ideas

How to Cook Lamb 12 Delicious Lamb recipes ideas

Are you a lamb-meal lover, or would you want to try it? If lamb meals are something you’ve already done before, how did you prepare them? Do you fry or boil your lamb meat? We are going to share with you how to cook lamb with these twelve delicious lamb recipes. There are different ways to take a lamb meal …

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9 Kinds of Mexican Meats for Meat Lovers

9 Kinds of Mexican Meats for Meat Lovers

Mexican cuisine is rich and varied, with different mexican meats used in traditional dishes. The tradition of cuts of meat in Mexico has always been deeply rooted in the North of the country, while in the central and southern areas, roast beef was normally small cuts to be chopped and made into tacos. If you’ve ever wondered whether a taco …

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How to Calibrate a Meat Thermometer for a Perfect Meal

How to Calibrate a Meat Thermometer

We all love a well-cooked chicken meal. How do you know if your chicken is well-cooked? Have you ever tasted an overcooked chicken? Can undercooked poultry meat expose you to food-borne illnesses? Are you wondering what the perfect temperature for cooking chicken is? The solution to all these problems is learning how to calibrate a meat thermometer. Cook chicken   …

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