meal plan

7 Valuable Tips to Maximize a Meal Plan in College

Last Updated on May 30, 2023

You may be as rich as Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, but as a college student, it makes perfect economic sense to consider a meal plan. Subscribing to a good meal plan can be quite a herculean task, considering all the dynamics of college life.

In this article, we will help you make the best decision that is suitable for you, whether you’re using meal swipes, a pay-by-weight plan, or any other means. Whatever your food fantasies, whether you’re a light or heavy eater, whether you prefer vegan diets, or like dining like a king, you will find helpful tips listed below.

Let us get started on how to maximize your college meal plan.

1. Find out the available plans

By doing this, you will find that it’s vital to find subscriptions that guide you to the best money-saving plans and will also keep you well-nourished. Generally, most colleges adopt the pay-per-swipe plan or the pay-per-item plan. If you’re at UCLA, you can find out the best plans available for you at UCLA dining hall.

2. Be ready to adjust your plan

Most colleges will allow you to adjust your preferred meal plan by reducing the amount spent. It’s important that you monitor your expenses to know whether to go for fewer swipes or lesser cash in your plan. The watchword, however, is that you have to be as realistic as possible so as not to depend solely on take-outs.

3. Make a good choice of friends

If you have a reduced meal plan but have friends whose plans are unlimited, you can ask them to swipe for you a few times. Granted that there are places that don’t allow this, most of them still allow guest swipes. UCLA dining halls are great for meeting friends who can help with your feeding schedules and other needs.

4. Invest in a good food container

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If you have discovered that take-outs are the best options for you, invest in a good container. Possibly, a Tupperware that will enable you to go about your business stylishly.

5. Be prudent and wise in your spending

Instead of spending your meal-plan cash on junk food, muffins, or lattes from the cafés, consider investing it in real, wholesome meals that will keep you satisfied and energized throughout the day. However, we understand that everyone craves a sweet treat now and then. So, why not get creative and devise a method to make your own Starbucks-inspired beverages right in the comfort of your home? By prioritizing wholesome meals, you’ll not only avoid the discomfort of an empty stomach but also nourish your body with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. Spending that well-saved money (that would have gone on junk food, coffee, etc.) on supplements is a better and wiser way to spend for a healthier lifestyle. The Nutrition Insider gives plenty of insight into the benefits of supplements along with a balanced diet, for your overall well-being.

6. Consider stockpiling some basic stuff

Snacks and fruits like bananas and apples should make your list of healthy sources of nutrition and energy, whenever you feel spent. Having them readily available will make things a lot easier for you.

7. Eat your choice

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It is good if you remember that your choice counts. Feel free to demand your select preferences, though you should observe some etiquette while doing so. The good thing is that most college dining halls will oblige to your request.

Finding the best meal plan that suits your pocket could be your password to a more exciting experience on campus.

You can find full information about dining at UCLA here.

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