
A Culinary Journey from Tel Aviv to Jordan

A Culinary Journey from Tel Aviv to Jordan

The Middle East is a region with a rich and diverse culinary history, and two countries that exemplify this are Israel and Jordan. Both countries have been influenced by a variety of cultures over the centuries, including the ancient Egyptians, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans. This has resulted in a cuisine that is both delicious and fascinating. Embark on a delectable …

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6 Must-Try Food Places in Tel Aviv

6 Must-Try Food Places in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv, Israel’s vibrant and bustling city on the Mediterranean coast, is a melting pot of cultures and cuisines. From traditional Middle Eastern fare to international cuisine and fusion dishes, Tel Aviv is a foodie’s paradise. In recent years, Tel Aviv has gained a reputation as a culinary destination, with a plethora of restaurants, cafes, and street food vendors to …

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Triangular jewish pastries called Hamantaschen, some of the most popular Purim foods and drinks

5 Purim Foods and Drinks To Enjoy This Jewish Holiday

Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar. The holiday has biblical origins, commemorating Queen Ester’s heroic acts in saving the Jews from persecution from the Persian vizier Haman. However, Purim is more of a celebration than a day of religious observance. The common saying for the day is “drink until you …

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Baked Israeli treats at Mahane Yehuda, a famous food market in Jerusalem.

6 Israeli Treats to Buy in a Local Market

Markets are on any foodie’s travel list. They offer enticing sights and smells attracting tourists and locals alike. Since they are often the most crowded and loudest place in the city, it can help to go in with a goal. Even if this aim is vague (like finding the pastry shop), a target can help serve as a motivation to …

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Shakshuka in a frying pan is one of the most typical Israeli eats.

Israeli Eats at “Home”: The Joys of Travel Cooking

Traveling can be expensive. This is especially true in Israel, where the cost of living is very high. So, to save money, many travelers opt to cook a few meals at their temporary residence. Not only can eating at “home” be more cost-effective but if your group is prone to hunger, it can help keep everyone in good spirits. There …

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food guide to the florentin district

Food Guide To The Florentin District in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is a crazy city. The beach, the weather, and the night-life make it worth the visit. On top of these attractions, Tel Aviv has a flourishing food scene. While there are fantastic foodie spots throughout the city, the highest concentration is in Florentin, which is the central hub of hipster life. In this food guide to the Florentin …

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travel tips for visiting israel

Top Travel Tips For Visiting Israel

Israel has been a travel destination literally since ancient times. With monikers ranging from “the Holy Land,” “the Land of Milk and Honey,” and “the Cradle of Religion,” the country has profound meaning for millions of people worldwide. Visiting Israel today still provides travelers with immense satisfaction and an authentic cultural experience. However, as with any trip, travelers should be …

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