How to make cakes and desserts in an Instant Pot

How to make cakes and desserts in an Instant Pot

Last Updated on March 31, 2023

An instant pot is a true dinnertime hero. If you have an instant pot, then the chances are that you have tried several savoury recipes. It is much more than a regular pressure cooker and produces hearty and tender dishes that melt in your mouth. Creamy ice puddings are just the beginning. So, is it possible to make cakes and desserts in an instant pot? This multitasking machine is excellent for making delectable cakes and desserts. Thankfully, it keeps you from heating up your oven when sweet-treating your dishes.

Baking in an instant pot

If you thought traditional ovens are the best in baking, then try instant pots. An instant pot is a magical kitchen appliance that can yield amazingly great results when it comes to steaming cakes or preparing any other instant pot dessert. To make cakes and desserts with instant pot promises super-moist and fudgy creations.

While instant pots are ideal for making desserts, it is good to note that you are not baking but steaming the cake. Therefore, the result will be a tremendous savoury steamed dish. If all you crave is the chewy edges and pillowy insides of a baked brownie, then an instant pot won’t be an excellent appliance for that. Nevertheless, it is the best machine if you want to make decadent treats like creamy puddings, cheesecakes, Crème Brûlée, and fruit cobbler.

How to make a cake in an instant pot

Ever thought of who would bake in an electric pressure cooker? If you have an instant pot, you need to start it without thinking of who else. Indeed, most instant pots come with a recipe booklet that includes a recipe for making desserts.

It is until you bake a cake in your instant pot that you will know to make the best out of it. Regardless of your taste, do not worry because virtually all cake recipes will do well in an instant pot. Here are the steps to make the best instant pot cake.

  • Decide on your recipe: Before you materialize your baking idea, you need to decide on a good yet uncomplicated recipe. For instance, if you want to prepare instant brownies, you can start with the full recipe. If you are making desserts with your instant pot for the first time, it is best to start with a simple recipe.
  • Pick the right pan: Although this seems obvious, you should ignore it. Your pan should fit in your instant pot – buy a pan that is ideal for your instant pot, depending on its size. Your cake pan should touch the bottom of the instant pot because the cake’s lower face will burn.
  • Mix your cake batter: Here, you will need to stick to your recipe and make the batter for your favourite cake. You can find more recipes on the baking blog Natalie Way Bakes.
  • Prepare the pan: There is a lot to do in his step. You will start by greasing your baking pan before filling it with the cake batter. Because you don’t want steam to penetrate and make your cake all mushy, cover the pan with foil. If you no longer have the trivet that came with your instant pot, include a nifty foil sling that will help you lift the pan once the cake bakes.
  • Place the pan inside the instant pot: If you have a trivet, let it go first, and the pan follows. Otherwise, you will want to place a heatproof bowl upside down to keep the pan elevated so that it doesn’t touch the bottom.
  • Pressure cook your cake: Cover the instant pot and cook at high pressure for about 5 minutes. Lower the pressure and continue cooking. The time it will take to cook your cake immensely depends on its size.
  • Frosting and serving: Frost your cake with your favourite treat to make it ultimately delicious. You can throw some berries to make it colourful and sweeter. Slice and serve. What is tastier than that?

Benefits of making cakes and desserts in an instant pot

  • Instant pots save time and energy. They cook remarkably faster, thanks to their insulated cooking chamber that reduce cooking time and energy consumption by 70%.
  • Instant pots retain the charming colours of your cakes and desserts. Besides, they profoundly develop and retain tenderness and flavours.
  • Your kitchen won’t heat up when baking; therefore, it creates a comfortable kitchen environment.

An instant pot is a compelling kitchen appliance that can cook any meal to satisfy your sweet tooth. Whether you are making desserts when alone or preparing pudding for guests, you will like the ultra-moist and tasty desserts created in your instant pot.

About Maria Kennedy

Maria Kennedy is the managing editor at Travel for Food Hub. Maria is on a full-tilt mission to share local food and travel inspiration. When she is not writing about food and travel, startups or social media, she is enjoying her time with her boys in sunny Spain.

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