How to maintain your yoga practice while travelling

How to maintain your yoga practice while travelling

Last Updated on October 18, 2023

For yoga enthusiasts, it is important to maintain their yoga schedule no matter what. Most yogis try to stick to their schedule to maintain their practice along to keep them energized and fresh. However, their yoga schedule gets tossed out the window when they travel abroad. Keeping a regular yoga practice is very easy at home, but when travelling, you can develop a laid-back attitude.

Here’s a look at some easy tips that will help you maintain your yoga practice when travelling:

1. Pack your yoga mat

Most yoga mats can be packed easily in your suitcase, and they are a good way of motivating you to practice yoga. Some hotels provide yoga mats so if you want to travel hassle-free, you can ask for yoga mats from the hotel where you would be staying.

2. Flexible routine

When you are travelling, you may not be able to practice yoga on your routine fixed time, but that should not stop you from practicing yoga. If you don’t get time in the morning, spend some time doing yoga in the evening. If you generally practice yoga for an hour at your home, set realistic expectation and devote only half an hour or 20 minutes for some basic yoga poses. Even if you don’t get time for yoga daily, you can practice 3 or 4 times a week. This will help keep you committed to your practice.

3. Simple practice routine

If you are an ace yoga practitioner who incorporates complex yoga poses in their daily practice, choose some simple yoga poses which can be easily practiced when you travel. Either note down the sequence of these yoga asanas or record them somewhere. This can be helpful even to those students who are used to practicing yoga only under the guidance of their tutors. It is better not to practice complex poses on your own so choose some easier poses to practice when travelling abroad.

4. Discover new ways for practicing

You may not have access to the required props which you usually use for your yoga practice. When travelling in a completely new location, try to figure out newer ways of practicing at an unfamiliar environment. You can benefit from being creative in your yoga practice. 

5. No excuses!

You may unintentionally find several ways and reasons to avoid practicing yoga when travelling and staying at a hotel. Try to overcome these excuses. You don’t need a yoga mat to practice, you can do it on a towel or carpet. Yoga doesn’t need special equipment or a place for practice. You can perform yoga in your hotel room or balcony. Yoga is quite accommodating and can be performed anywhere at any time. Even in a compact space, you can perform yoga poses which can be done while standing. In worst cases, you can at least do some stretching exercises. Remember, yoga will help in ridding yourself of the fatigue and tiredness which comes with travelling and long flights.

6. Practice at the airport

There are several airports which now offer designated spaces for yoga. If you don’t happen to find yourself at one of those, then have a wander. You may find a less crowded spot where you can practice a few asanas. It won’t be any less than an adventurous experience.

7. Yoga is not just asana

There is so much more to yoga than asanas. Even if you don’t have time to step on your yoga mat you can do some yoga in the form of meditation or pranayama by taking some deep breaths. You can also chant some mantras during transit, or perform some bhakti yoga while travelling. It will help you find some peace during the chaos of travelling.

8. Local yoga class

If you are on a business trip, you could be staying abroad for a couple of days or even months. It is a good idea to join some local yoga classes to continue your yoga routine. You can also plan in advance and join a yoga retreat which will help you in relaxing and rejuvenating. Retreats will also give an opportunity to practice yoga at beautiful locations you may not otherwise visit on your travels. Once your travel plan is fixed, search and book the yoga retreat in advance. In case of a local yoga class, you can ask for recommendations or referrals from local people and hotels.

Practicing yoga even when you travel will keep you energized and fresh. You will be able to enjoy your trip without getting tired and feeling sluggish. If you suffer from travel anxiety or stress, yoga will help in keeping you calm and composed. Plus, if you are travelling for a long duration, skipping your yoga practice completely will make it difficult to get back into the routine when you return home.

Author Bio

Devakar Sandhu is the owner of one of the top Yoga schools of India, Ekam Yogashala in Rishikesh which offers 200, 300, and 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training In India to aspirants from all walks of life. 

He is a dedicated yoga practitioner and values Indian culture. He firmly believes that your experience in yoga training depends on your sincerity. He always recommends students to figure out what interests them most and then pick the type of training. He has undergone several years of training in traditional yoga. He accredits his yoga practice in India as one of the strong foundations of his wide knowledge and exposure to intense knowledge of yoga.

He is trying to spread the essence of authentic yoga through his Yoga institute Ekam Yogashala.

About Maria Kennedy

Maria Kennedy is the managing editor at Travel for Food Hub. Maria is on a full-tilt mission to share local food and travel inspiration. When she is not writing about food and travel, startups or social media, she is enjoying her time with her boys in sunny Spain.

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