Tiffany Cu

Tiffy, a.k.a. asiatravelbug, is a travel planning freak, an ex-finance manager and currently a digital marketing ninja. Traveling has kept her sane from all the hustles and bustles of corporate life. Despite being a nervous flyer, Tiffy’s wanderlust has led her to visit Japan for 6 times (and counting). Her favorite cities are Kyoto and Tokyo and would choose to visit Japan over Paris in a heartbeat!

8 Kyoto Cuisines You’ll Certainly Enjoy

Kyoto cuisines in a traditional food market in Kyoto, Japan.

Kyoto is very famous for its fine cuisines. For centuries, culinary arts have been influenced by the local monk culture, and it’s not just about sushi. In fact, you might be surprised to know that sushi is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a wide variety of restaurants all over Kyoto which provide you with access to all …

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