Buy international foods. Mexican green enchiladas with guacamole and sauces on colorful table.

3 Best Ways to Buy International Foods

Last Updated on March 29, 2023

Every foodie dreams about having the chance to travel to other cities, countries or continents to try new flavors and discover the most peculiar local foods and ingredients. Some of them may even have a bucket list of exotic places and popular dishes they would love to try. However, sometimes life happens and those dreams of travel get postponed indefinitely. But this shouldn’t be an obstacle for you because, this time, the mountain will come to Muhammad and the food from all over the world will come to you. How? Through these 3 online shops that allow you to buy international foods.



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If anyone were asked about where could they buy online anything that came to mind, they would all answer Amazon. Amazon is the e-commerce par excellence. From books, devices and tools to clothes, make-up or appliances, this online shop has it all. But, did you know that it also has an enormous food market?

In their International Food Market section, you can buy ingredients and packaged foods from all over the world such as spices, sweets, beverages, noodles, beans, etc. Also, you may shop for type of cuisine (like Asian, Indian or Latin). And you can even filter for foods that comply with your dietary restrictions (such as vegetarian, kosher, GMO-free, low in sodium, etc.). So if you want to organize a meal or an afternoon snack with your friends and offer them some Spanish El Pozo deli meats, an array of French cheeses and some Danish butter cookies, you just have to click and have it delivered to your door.

The World Market


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The World Market was founded 60 years ago by a businessman who traveled the globe to find the most amazing, exquisite or strange products. Nowadays, it’s still a reference for those who want to reach into other cultures from the comfort of their home. This online shop is sourced with foods and drinks from over 50 countries to bring you the flavors and textures of the world to your plate.

While Asian and Middle Eastern sauces, spices and candy are some of the best sellers, you can also find great Spanish foods like paella rice, cured meats as jamón or chorizo, or extra virgin olive oil. Furthermore, take a look at the British toffees and shortbread cookies, French pates and crepes, and Italian panettone cakes. And don’t forget to check the Australian beers, wines and licorice, and the Mexican tamales, tortilla chips, and hot sauces. All of these international foods can satisfy any craving you may have while letting you have a taste of a new culture.

World of Snacks


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All of the foods mentioned above are nice, delicious ways of trying another culture. But if you want to taste the most extravagant flavors of a country’s gastronomy, you should check out their snacks. In many places, the snacks are based on the craziest ideas, flavors, and mixes, and that’s what the World of Snacks offers you.

TAKEAWAY: Kit Kats are a big trend in Japan. That’s because the name is similar to a Japanese expression that means good luck: kitto katsu. So since 2000, the company has created over 300 limited editions of these chocolate bars for the Asian country. Among these unique flavors, you can find sake, strawberry cheesecake, matcha green tea, pumpkin, melon with mascarpone cheese, Kobe pudding, soybean, grilled potato, kiwi or red bean paste. They even made a special edition of sushi Kit Kats! Which one would you like to taste?

If you visit their website, you’ll have access to an array of Korean, Filipino, Mexican, Japanese, British, German, Ukrainian, Italian, Turkish, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, French, American, and Thai snacks. Among the most curious treats, you’ll find the cough drop flavored Kit Kats, roasted green peas, banana filled koala shaped biscuits, spicy prawn crackers, crispy sriracha seaweed or mango Salsaghetis (which are mango flavored spaghetti shaped gummies). However, there are also more normal snacks like chocolates, vanilla biscuits, butter cookies, potato chips, beef noodles, etc. In any case, you’ll have a fun time trying them all.


All in all, international foods offer you a new perspective into foreign cultures and cuisines. They are a great way to taste new flavor profiles and have fun enjoying them with your friends and family. That’s why these 3 ways to buy international foods are perfect because you can travel around the world while sitting in your dining room.

About Maite Aja

Maite Aja is our Content Editor and Graphic Designer. She has recently graduated in Advertising and Public Relations and is specializing in an area that she loves: digital marketing. She's curious and passionate and enjoys spending her free time reading or watching TV series.

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